Our Story

Amaz was born from an idea:
What if the magic of the rainforest can restore more than just our bodies, but the ecosystem itself?
Our initiative is part of a larger global movement centered around a revolutionary farming technology called agroforestry.
Our goal is to help transform the way we relate to the Amazon through environmental partnerships and the life-giving powers of superfoods.
That’s why we harvest the superfoods for our nutrient-rich, life-giving drinks through agroforestry systems.
Superfoods get their name from their natural revitalizing properties. They can boost our immunity, replenish our tired cells, promote calm and relaxation, and give us healthy energy when we feel drained and run down. But that’s not all. They are also revered as magical by indigenous cultures in the Brazilian Amazon.”

So, if we listen to the wisdom contained in these traditional superfoods, and if we open ourselves up, even just a little, to the cultural and environmental systems that produce them, maybe, just maybe, we might be able to heal more than just ourselves.

Our Bundles

Why have one when you can have them all? With our bundles, you can enjoy a little extra of your favorite flavor while still having the option to sometimes mix it up with the rest. Consider this a win for everyone, especially your taste buds

Beyond health and healing, many believe that superfoods contain wisdom. Yes, wisdom: that most elusive characteristic at the heart of all our endeavors.